Category Archives: Virtualisation

All about virtualisation. VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, ESXi and vCenter, qemu

VMware: Find VMs by IP Address


sometimes you want to find which IP Address belongs to a virtual machine. This can be easily done by powercli, provided that the VMware Tools are installed in each VM.
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VMware: Set NTP Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter


attached to this post a PowerCli script to change NTP Server on all ESXi Servers connected to vCenter.
Continue reading VMware: Set NTP Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter

VMware: vSphere Logfiles


short post just for me as bookmark:-)
Continue reading VMware: vSphere Logfiles

VMware: Set DNS Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter


this is a script to set the DNS Servers for all ESXi Hosts connected to vCenter.

Usage is very simple. Open a PowerCli Command shell. The script accept 2 parameters. “vc” = the vCenter and “s” is the a comma separarted list of DNS Servers.

PS D:\temp> .\SetHostDNS.ps1 -vc yourVCenterServer.yourdomain -s,
Set DNS Server at host1.yourdomain ... ok
Set DNS Server at host2.yourdomain ... ok

Thats all 🙂


VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 4


check if a storage LUN attached to an ESXi supports VAAI
Continue reading VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 4