Linux: Switch keyboard layout in (bash) shell


linux allows to change the keybaord layout “on the fly”.
Continue reading Linux: Switch keyboard layout in (bash) shell

Unify IP Phone: Some key combinations and connect to a Fritzbox


this is the procedure for a factory reset a Unify IP Phone:
Continue reading Unify IP Phone: Some key combinations and connect to a Fritzbox

Windows: Unload/Disable a device driver from command line


like Linux rmmod Windows can also unload a device driver “online”.

Continue reading Windows: Unload/Disable a device driver from command line

rsyslog: Configure TLS/SSL


to setup a remote syslog server TLS encryption is strongly recommended.

Continue reading rsyslog: Configure TLS/SSL

openssl: Create a selfsigned certificate


creating selfsigned certificate with openssl is one step 🙂
Continue reading openssl: Create a selfsigned certificate

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