this is a really often requiered task in powershell. Here are some examples.
This is our array
$aMySearchArray=@( "Entry", "Entry1", "entry2", "entry2", "Entry3", "Entry4" )
Use the contain operator to search for an whole entry case insensitive. The contain operators simply returns $true or $false
$aMySearchArray -contains "entry1" True
The same case sensitive
$aMySearchArray -ccontains "entry1" False
Check if an entry is not present, case insensitive
$aMySearchArray -notcontains "Entry10" True
and case sensitive
$aMySearchArray -cnotcontains "Entry1" False
By using the like operator it is also possible to use wildcards for searching. * is a wildcard for non,one or more than one character, ? exactly for one character
This searches case insensitve for all items which begins with “entry”
$aMySearchArray -like "entry*" Entry Entry1 entry2 entry2 Entry3 Entry4
Same case sensitive
$aMySearchArray -clike "entry*" entry2 entry2
And the same negotiated case insensitive
$aMySearchArray -notlike "Entry?" Entry
And case sensitive
$aMySearchArray -cnotlike "Entry?" Entry entry2 entry2