Tag Archives: ESXi

VMware: Enable copy & paste in VMware Console for a VM


copy & paste is disabled by default in VMware vSphere.
Continue reading VMware: Enable copy & paste in VMware Console for a VM

VMware vSphere: Cannot register a virtual machine in inventory: A virtual machine or template having the same name is already registered


a customer had the problem that a virtual machine is shown as invalid or orphaned. After removing from inventory (not from disk) he couldn’t register the vm again: “A virtual machine or template having the same name is already registered”

This could have multiple causes:
Continue reading VMware vSphere: Cannot register a virtual machine in inventory: A virtual machine or template having the same name is already registered

VMware: Find VMs by IP Address


sometimes you want to find which IP Address belongs to a virtual machine. This can be easily done by powercli, provided that the VMware Tools are installed in each VM.
Continue reading VMware: Find VMs by IP Address

VMware: Set NTP Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter


attached to this post a PowerCli script to change NTP Server on all ESXi Servers connected to vCenter.
Continue reading VMware: Set NTP Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter

VMware: vSphere Logfiles


short post just for me as bookmark:-)
Continue reading VMware: vSphere Logfiles