with powercli performance data could be exported for automatically created reports.
The command let for such task is Get-Stat
Some examples.
To get the whole list for a VM use
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM")
This retrieves a list with performance data. By default a value is stored every 20 second.
Filtering is also possible. This gets a list for the last 24 hours.
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -Start ((get-date).AddDays(-1))
Data for a specific time range
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -Start ((get-date).AddDays(-2)) -Finish ((get-date).AddDays(-1))
Retrieve only specific metric(s)
CPU time in percent
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -Stat "cpu.usage.average"
CPU time in percent and Mhz
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -Stat @("cpu.usage.average","cpu.usagemhz.average")
cpu.usage.average can also have multiple instances, for example for CPU0, CPU1…
It’s possible to get performance data for a specific class, for example CPU times
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -CPU
Available classes
The default interval of 20 sec can also be motified. This gets values in 5 minute intervals:
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -IntervalMins 5
The Realtime switch retrieves the data of the last hour
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -Realtime
Export the data to a csv for an import in excel
PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm "MyVM") -Realtime |Select-Object Entity,Timestamp,Value|Export-Csv -Delimiter ";" -LiteralPath D:\Temp\perfdata.txt
Thanks, but if seeking memory stats, what format is the output? is it in KB, MB, or GB?
Running this command [PS D:\> Get-Stat -Entity (Get-vm “MyVM”) -Start ((get-date).AddDays(-1))], but screen still only shows output in 20-second intervals for past hour. Any thoughts why?