Powershell: Determine the image type (x64/x86) of an exe file


based on this stackoverflow post I’ve written a powershell function to determine the image type of an Windows executable. The Powershells System.IO.FileSystemInfo type does not provide such an info.
Continue reading Powershell: Determine the image type (x64/x86) of an exe file

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EIBD/KNX/EIB: Check if a mobile phone is online and send EIB Telegrams depending on its state


this post describes how to check on a Raspberry Pi if a mobile phone (Apple or Android) is online and send EIB Telegram depending of the device is available or not to the EIB bus.

You need an running eibd to send packets via IP to the EIB/KNX Bus.
Continue reading EIBD/KNX/EIB: Check if a mobile phone is online and send EIB Telegrams depending on its state