ESXi: Pass through an USB device to a VM


ESXi has an option to pass through an host attached USB device to a VM. VMware provides a list of supported USB Devices.

USB devices with of class CCID, smartcards for example, cannot redirected out of the box. When you try to add the device an error: “Cannot connect ‘path:0/1/6/1’ to this virtual machine. The device was not found.”

Here are my troubleshooting steps:

Logon to the ESXi console via ssh or ESXi shell and look if the device is recognized

root@myESXiHost~ # lsusb
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 04f1:9816 Smartcard ExampleDevice, Inc.

Get more details on the device

root@myESXiHost~ # lsusb -d 04f1:9816 -v
iConfiguration          3 CCID Class
bInterfaceClass        11 Chip/SmartCard
iInterface              4 CCID Interface

If it is identified as a CCID device are redirected is possible. Shutdown your VM.

Add an virtual USB Controller

Add USB Controller

USB Controller
USB Controller

Add usb.generic.allowCCID to the VM’s advanced setting

usb.generic.allowCCID = "TRUE"

Add Avanced setting
Add Avanced setting

Avanced setting usb.generic.allowCCID
Avanced setting usb.generic.allowCCID

Start the VM and check the Windows Device Manager

Windows Device Manager
Windows Device Manager


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