All posts by rootBlog

Windows: Hyper-V and Server Core start new cmd.exe


you have closed the command shell window in your Session or you want to start an additional cmd shell or program?

At the console start the task Manager by pressing Alt-Ctrl-Del respectively if you are in a Remote Desktop Session Press Alt-Ctrl-End.

Start Task Manager
Start Task Manager

New Task
Continue reading Windows: Hyper-V and Server Core start new cmd.exe

VMware: Virtual maschine LAN Interface disconnected

Last week a customer had the problem that a virtual machine uses a NAT Network connection but the NIC Adapter in the virtual machine is in disconnected state.


Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter LAN-Connection:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain

Continue reading VMware: Virtual maschine LAN Interface disconnected