Category Archives: Security

C#: Import a rsa public key generated by openssl


the C# (.NET 4) RSACryptoServiceProvider->ImportCspBlob methode has the ability to import RSA (public) keys.
Continue reading C#: Import a rsa public key generated by openssl

openssl: Sign a file and verify it.


openssl can be used to create signature of a file and check the file against the signature to prevent unauthorized changes.

Continue reading openssl: Sign a file and verify it.

openssl: List ciphersuites from SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list


a customer needs a list of valid ciphersuites from a given allowed SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list.
Continue reading openssl: List ciphersuites from SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list

Windows: Certificate locations


the Windows certificates MMC plugin allows to view and edit the most (expect the enterprise store) of the certificates Windows uses. But the location of the certificates is not really transparent.

Here is a list where those certificates resides physically.
Continue reading Windows: Certificate locations

SSL/TLS: Enumerate all security ciphers a Web- or Mailserver offers


you want to know which security ciphers a particular server supports?
Continue reading SSL/TLS: Enumerate all security ciphers a Web- or Mailserver offers