Tag Archives: windows

Windows: List remaining “pending moves” from an update


outstanding file movements can be shown with Sysinternals pendmoves.exe or via the registry key

PS D:\>  Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager" -Name PendingFileRenameOperations


Windows Server: Cannot change timezone: You don’t have permissions to perform this task.


if you were faced with this error when you try to change the timezone on a Windows Server 2022/2025…

Continue reading Windows Server: Cannot change timezone: You don’t have permissions to perform this task.

Windows: Check if Powershell process is the 32 or 64 Bit Version


sometimes it is importend, when writing to the registry or file system in regions where the architecture redirection active, to known on which version a script runs.

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Windows: Add a virtual interface for each 802.1q tagged vlan


let use assume you have a network adapter with multiple tagged 802.1q vlans on it. Previously, Intel published the Advanced network services. In the past this could be used to create a virtual network adapter for each VLAN id. Unfortunatly the tool is deprected.

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Windows: Check to which (Internet Explorer) Zone a file or path belongs to


there is no GUI available to show to which Internet Explorer Zone a file belongs.

Continue reading Windows: Check to which (Internet Explorer) Zone a file or path belongs to