Category Archives: Linux

Stuff about Linux

Debian: apt error NO_PUBKEY


on newer debian/ubuntu system the “apt-key” (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d and /etc/apt/gpgtrusted.gpg) should no longer be used because in newer debian versions and is marked as insecure because a (correct) signed package is accepted from all respositories and should only be accepted from the original publisher.
Continue reading Debian: apt error NO_PUBKEY

Linux: Prevent X11/Xorg from using a (Nvidia) GPU


when you install an NVidia GPU to run HPC tasks you usually don’t want that X11/xorg use it. This can be done by force Xorg to use the framebuffer device and prevent the nvidia_drm driver from creating a framebuffer device.
You can check this by nvidia-smi

root@debdev ~ # nvidia-smi 
| Processes:                                                                            |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                            GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                             Usage      |
|    0   N/A  N/A      1581      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                          167MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A      1713      G   /usr/bin/gnome-shell                         16MiB |

Continue reading Linux: Prevent X11/Xorg from using a (Nvidia) GPU

Linux: Disk recovery with ddrescue


‘ddrescue –direct’ will open the input with the O_DIRECT option for uncached reads. ‘raw devices’ are not needed on newer kernels. For older kernels see below.
Continue reading Linux: Disk recovery with ddrescue

bash: Redirect all STDIN to a file


to simply redirect all incoming input from STDIN to a file you can use less.
Continue reading bash: Redirect all STDIN to a file

Network: Forwarding SNMP Traps by mail with snmptrapd and snmptt


this post describes a simply way to forward all traps by E-Mail received via SNMP.

This process is splited in several steps

  • Receive the traps => snmptrapd
  • snmptrapd calls the trapshandler script after each received trap. The trap details are handed over to the script by STDIN
  • The trap handler is /usr/sbin/snmptthandler. This script spools all traps to /var/spool/snmptt
  • The snmptt gets the traps from the spool folder, translate them in a human readable format and calls a custum script defined by snmptt.conf

Continue reading Network: Forwarding SNMP Traps by mail with snmptrapd and snmptt