Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Windows: Change the Volume Serial Number of a partition or volume


for some migration scenarios it is nesseccary to set Volume Serial Number of a partition or volume. For example when you move  a license manager to a new hardware and the licenses are bound to the disk serial.
Continue reading Windows: Change the Volume Serial Number of a partition or volume

Windows: Writing a new MBR an a USB Drive to boot Windows PE


booting operating systems, such as linux live systems or Windows PE based installations (Windows Vista,7,8),  from a USB Drive or Stick is a nice featured.

Unfortunately each writes it own boot code to the MBR (Master boot record). The boot code of Windows PE 2 and later  loads \BOOTMGR, linux is usually loaded with \syslinux.

Well known linux installers like TUXBOOT, the Universal-USB-Installer or UNetBootin do updating the MBR by installing the syslinux bootloader.

To get the  Windows PE MBR back without formating the stick, do the following steps.
Continue reading Windows: Writing a new MBR an a USB Drive to boot Windows PE

Windows: Read the IP Address of a BMC Board

Most of the Serversystems have a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) integrated for maintenace and management tasks.

Typical functions are, indepentend from the running operating system:

  • Shutdown and reboot
  • Switch Power On and Off
  • KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) redirection
  • Hardware monitoring
  • USB redirection, connect the local DVD Drive to the Server over a LAN connection
  • and much more…

Usually, the BMC has its own LAN Interface and therefore an own IP Address.
Continue reading Windows: Read the IP Address of a BMC Board

VMware: Virtual maschine LAN Interface disconnected

Last week a customer had the problem that a virtual machine uses a NAT Network connection but the NIC Adapter in the virtual machine is in disconnected state.


Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter LAN-Connection:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain

Continue reading VMware: Virtual maschine LAN Interface disconnected

Windows: Could not establish a remote desktop connection. No client licenses available.

Even though you have already installed and configured a Terminal Server license Server, you can not connect to a Terminal Server with the Remote Desktop Client from some individual clients. Some other will work.

The following error occurs:

The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server client access licenses available for this computer. Please contact the server administrator.
Continue reading Windows: Could not establish a remote desktop connection. No client licenses available.