if your ESXi host is on a version <= 7.0.2 an update using the Lifecycle Manager fails with an error.
host returned esxupdate code -1
and on the host
~ # cat /var/log/esxupdate.log | grep ERROR
ERROR: esximage.Errors.InstallationError: This upgrade transaction would skip ESXi Base Image VIB(s) VMW_bootbank_i40en_1.11.1.31-1vmw.703.0.0.49537716, which could cause failures post upgrade
This happens because the Intel i40 driver was renamed from i40eun to i40en.
The VMware knowledge base describes this error and advices to uninstall the i40enu driver. But if you are on a version lower then ESXi 7.0.2c this is not necessary.
The Solution is:
Patch the host in two steps.
Define two patch baseline. The first baseline updates the system to 7.0.2c
Do NOT adding patches automatically
Add just the 7.0.2c rollup patch release
Attach the baseline to the host and install
Then add a second baseline and include just the 7.0.3a rollup patch release
Then attach the baseline and install the update.
Note (as of 10.11.2021): 7.0.3 has some critical issues