this describes the creation of an powershell module.
Define a manifest and create the mainfest file by New-ModuleManifest
PS D:\> $Params = @{ "Path" = 'MyModule.psd1' "Author" = 'Michael' "CompanyName" = 'My Company' "RootModule" = 'MyModule.psm1' "CompatiblePSEditions" = @('Desktop','Core') "FunctionsToExport" = @('Test-Function1','Test-Function1') "CmdletsToExport" = @() "VariablesToExport" = @('myExportVariable1','myExportVariable2') "AliasesToExport" = @() "Description" = 'Description of the module' "ModuleVersion" = "" } PS D:\myModule> New-ModuleManifest @Params
Create the module file MyModule.psm1
$myExportVariable1="Test" $myExportVariable2="Test" function Test-Function1() { write-host "Function1" } function Test-Function2() { write-host "Function2" }
Note: The function names must begin with a valid verb otherwise a warning is shown during the load of the module.
Get-Verb shows a list of valid verbs
PS D:\myModule> Get-Verb
The try to load the module
PS D:\myModule> Import-Module .\MyModule.psd1