if you want to create XML files with powershell which can be used on UNIX/Linux systems you need to write an own save function. Ths save() methode of the System.XML.XMLDocument class can only write Windows style XML files with Carriage return/New line endings.
This is a function which write Linux/UNIX style UTF8 files
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | function Write-UnixXml { [ CmdletBinding ()] param ( [ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position =0)] [xml] $xmlStructure , [ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position =1)] [string] $FullPath ) $oXMLWriterSettings = new-object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $oXMLWriterSettings .NewLineChars = "`n" $oXMLWriterSettings .Indent = $true $oXMLWriterSettings .IndentChars = "`t" $oXMLWriterSettings .NewLineHandling = 0 $oXMLWriterSettings .Encoding = new-object System.Text.UTF8Encoding try { $oXMLWriter = [System.Xml.XmlTextWriter] ::Create( $FullPath , $oXMLWriterSettings ) $xmlStructure .WriteTo( $oXMLWriter ) $oXMLWriter .Flush() $oXMLWriter .Close() } catch { write-host ( [string] ::Format( " Error occured while writing XML file {0}. Errormessage: {1})" , $FullPath , $_ .Exception.Message)) } } |
1 2 | PS D:\> [[xml]] $TestXML = '<config>MyConfig <Value number="1"></Value></config>' PS D:\> Write-UnixXml -xmlStructure $TestXML -FullPath D:\temp\text.xml |