Tag Archives: ESP32

Tasmota: Connect a lcdproc/LCDd compatible HD44780 i2c Display


I already owned a HD44780 I2C Display, which is compatible to LCDd/lcdproc, and want to get this running with Tasmota.

Problem: The LCD 2004 or LCD 1602 Display, for which the Tasmota LCD driver was written, uses a different wiring between the i2c expander (PCF8574) and the HD44780 Display.
Continue reading Tasmota: Connect a lcdproc/LCDd compatible HD44780 i2c Display

ESP32-IDF: Integrate Terminal in Visual Studio Code


if you have setup your ESP32 develop environment with Visual Studio Code you cannot integrate the mingw32 terminal within the Visual Studio Code terminal section.

But it’s possible if you start bash.exe instead of mingw32.exe.
Continue reading ESP32-IDF: Integrate Terminal in Visual Studio Code