Tag Archives: linux

Linux: mount.cifs failed with host is down


due to some security issues (Wannacry) Windows administrators are going to disable the unsecure smb1 protocol.

mount.cifs is using smb1 by default. So when you tried to connect to a Windows machine where smb1 is disabled you get an error: mount error(112): Host is down.
Continue reading Linux: mount.cifs failed with host is down

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Linux: HEX edit and diff in a shell


let us assume you want to edit a binary file /tmp/binfile and you want to replace all strings matches to “sda” by “hda”.

gnu sed can edit bin files by the \xnn hex notation. The option –in-place changes the original file and makes a backup copy with a file extension .org

michael@devdeb ~#  sed -e 's/\x73\x64\x61/\x68\x64\x61/g' /tmp/binfile --in-place=.org

Continue reading Linux: HEX edit and diff in a shell