Tag Archives: Servicing stack

Windows: Could not install updates due to an outdated servicing stack


a custom had the problem that he couldn’t install the latest Windows update (windows10.0-kb5004760-x64_b1789ff430beaa785e620ea39fa7a6e1254e555d.msu, Errorcode: 0x80242017) due to an outdated servicing stack.
Continue reading Windows: Could not install updates due to an outdated servicing stack

Windows: Slow Performance. Windows Update (svchost.exe) consumes high CPU load


older Windows Versions i.e 7, 8.1 and Server 2012R2 have the problems that an older Version of the Windows Update Agent is installed which consumes a lot of CPU cycles.
Continue reading Windows: Slow Performance. Windows Update (svchost.exe) consumes high CPU load