Tag Archives: vcsa

vSphere VCSA: Cannot add a (http) https proxy


with the VCSA Gui it is not possible to to enter a http proxy for https target URLs. An error: HTTPS Cannot connect to proxy server occurs.

The most linux tools accept http URLs in the HTTPS_PROXY variable and this also works with the VCSA.
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VMware: Export the vCenter VMCA_ROOT_CERT certificate


in the default configuration the ESXi host gets a TLS certificate from the vCenter signed bei the VMCA_ROOT_CERT certificate.
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VMware: Change network configuration of a vCenter Appliance (VCSA )


a customer had the problem that, due to outdated DNS Server settings, vCenter didn’t start all services. Connecting with a browser just show “No healthy upstreams” and the login to the VCSA GUI takes a long time.
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VMware: vCenter VCSA appliance upgrade fails with “Service cannot be started”


often, when a vCenter VCSA update fails, the error is a certificate missmatch. For example the sso/vmware-stsd service
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VMWare vSphere: Install a custom a certificate in VCSA Appliance


for a higher security level it is recommended to install own (trusted) certificates in to VMware’s vCenter VCSA appliance.
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