Tag Archives: install

Windows: Languagepack Management with powershell


great news 🙂 . Since Windows 11 22H2 a new powershell module is available for dealing with language packs.
Continue reading Windows: Languagepack Management with powershell

VMWare vSphere: Install a custom a certificate in VCSA Appliance


for a higher security level it is recommended to install own (trusted) certificates in to VMware’s vCenter VCSA appliance.
Continue reading VMWare vSphere: Install a custom a certificate in VCSA Appliance

ESXi: Install a custom certificate


these are the steps to install own certificates on an ESXi host.
Continue reading ESXi: Install a custom certificate

Windows: Manage applications with winget


winget is a new tool from microsoft which acts as a package manager like apt, zypper or yum.

Installing winget (latest version on 26.01.2021 is 0.2.3162 Preview)
Continue reading Windows: Manage applications with winget

Windows: Installing RSAT Tools Online or Offline


for newer Windows 10 releases the RSAT tools can’t be downloaded anymore, you have to install them directly from the internet or you have downloaded the Windows 10 Feature on demand DVD.
Continue reading Windows: Installing RSAT Tools Online or Offline