Tag Archives: version

.NET: Set default SSL/TLS Version to 1.2


by default .NET does not uses TLS Version 1.2. So if you disable all SSL/TLS versions lower then 1.2 .NET application could not establish a secure connection anymore.
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Windows: Manage applications with winget


winget is a new tool from microsoft which acts as a package manager like apt, zypper or yum.

Installing winget (latest version on 26.01.2021 is 0.2.3162 Preview)
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Tomcat: Hide version at error pages


when a tomcat server is configured to print out its version on error pages
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ESXi: Upgrade an standalone ESXi Host from 6.0 to 6.7 from command line


this post describes an ESXi Host Upgrade from Version 6.0 to 6.7 with an offline (bundle) zip file. The procedure for other version should be the same.
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Apache Tomcat: Determine Version


this post describes how to determine which version of an Apache tomcat server is running.
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