Tag Archives: determine

Windows: Determine Textencoding of a File


if you are working with special characters (i.e. German Umlaute) within a Textfile it is importent to know with which text encoding (UTF8, ASCII…) a file is saved.
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Windows: Determine who and why shuts down Windows


to determine who shuts down Windows the system log can be filtered for the Event Id 1074 (Source User32).
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ActiveDirectory: Determine the kms activation server by DNS


to determine the KMS, the server to activate Windows installations, you can query the DNS by nslookup.
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Apache Tomcat: Determine Version


this post describes how to determine which version of an Apache tomcat server is running.
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Windows: Get Windows Feature Version/Release ID


2 Ways to determine the Windows Feature Version / Release ID from commandline. With powershell
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