Tag Archives: default

Raspberry PI: Create a (default) user during Raspian installation


rasbian is no langer shipped with the default user pi. A new user must be created during the first logon at the console.

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Windows: Set a registry key (Default) value by command line


all registry keys have an default value. The default value cannot be set by its name “(Default)”, it must be set with specific option of reg.exe.

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.NET: Set default SSL/TLS Version to 1.2


by default .NET does not uses TLS Version 1.2. So if you disable all SSL/TLS versions lower then 1.2 .NET application could not establish a secure connection anymore.
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Linux/systemd: Set default runlevel to console


for server systems it isn’t necessary to start a graphical user interface because they usually run headless.
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Windows: Restore the default Windows local policy security settings


in the C:\Windows\inf folder exists a defltbase.inf file which contains the default local security policies of Windows.
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