Tag Archives: console

Linux/systemd: Set default runlevel to console


for server systems it isn’t necessary to start a graphical user interface because they usually run headless.
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Powershell: Convert a string into a securestring and back to plaintext


.Net and therefore the powershell has the ability to define a secure string. This means that the string is immediately deleted from memory if it is no longer needed.
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VMware: Generate an URL for a VM Console Session


with PowerCli it is simply possible to generate an direct Link to accessing a VM’s Console without clicking through the whole vSphere Tree.

The anatomy of the URL is
Continue reading VMware: Generate an URL for a VM Console Session

VMware: List Users who have a active Console Connection to a virtual machine


there are multiple active console connections and you want to know who are currently connected?
Continue reading VMware: List Users who have a active Console Connection to a virtual machine

VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 3


part 3 of my (incomplete) list of the esx cli.

ESXi Advanced Kernel Settings/Parameters

Get all

esxcli system settings advanced list

Set one, i.e. disable the shell respectively ssh warnings

esxcli system settings advanced set -o /UserVars/SuppressShellWarning -i 1

ESXi Kernel modules

List loaded kernel modules

vmkload_mod  -l

Get a list of all enabled kernel modules

esxcfg-module -q
Continue reading VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 3