Tag Archives: certificates

vCenter: Parameter for generation of ESXi Host certificates


is a ESXi host part of a cluster then vCenter is responsible for the generation of the host certificates.
Continue reading vCenter: Parameter for generation of ESXi Host certificates

ESXi: Install a custom certificate


these are the steps to install own certificates on an ESXi host.
Continue reading ESXi: Install a custom certificate

VMware Workstation: Generate a new selfsigned SSL/TLS certificate


the VMware Workstation does not provide a program or script to generate a new pair of key and selfsigned certificate.

If’ve written a batch file which builds a new one. The scripts assumes that the Workstation is installed in the default folder C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation and uses the openssl command delivered with the program.

Adjust the Countryname, State, etc. to your own needs. Config is based on the VMware Docs.

Continue reading VMware Workstation: Generate a new selfsigned SSL/TLS certificate