this is the procedure for a factory reset a Unify IP Phone:
For a factory reset press 2, 8 and 9 keys at the same time.
Then enter the the (Hardcoded) Pin: 124816
To enter the Administration menu press 1, 3 and 0 keys at the same time:
Pin: 123456 (default)
TO Restart the phone press 1, 4 and 7 keys at the same time:
Pin: 123456 (default)
If the Phone ask for a Deployment PIN: The phone is unconfigured.
To configure the phone simply open a browser open the config page by entering the IP address. For example: Note: Traffic is TLS encrypted therefore: https.
To connect it to a Fritz!Box:
Add a new phone

Add a new phone
IP Phone

Add user

Configure User

Configure Fritz!Box connection

The default is to use encryption for the SIP connection. THis must be disabled when connecting to a fritzbox. Otherwise you get an error: SDP Parameter Error In SIP Request (488)
Disable encryption
