the VMware Workstation does not provide a program or script to generate a new pair of key and selfsigned certificate.
If’ve written a batch file which builds a new one. The scripts assumes that the Workstation is installed in the default folder C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation and uses the openssl command delivered with the program.
Adjust the Countryname, State, etc. to your own needs. Config is based on the VMware Docs.
@echo off REM REM Generate a new VMware Workstation Selfsigned Certificate REM created: 14.05.2019 Michael Albert info@michlstechblog.info REM set OPENSSL_DIR=C:\ProgramData\VMware\SSL echo [req] > %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo default_bits = 2048 >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo default_keyfile = rui.key >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo #Don't encrypt the key >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo encrypt_key = no >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo prompt = no >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo string_mask = nombstr >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo. >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo [ req_distinguished_name ] >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo countryName = US >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo stateOrProvinceName = California >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo localityName = Palo Alto >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo 0.organizationName = VMware, Inc. >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo emailAddress = ssl-certificates@vmware.com >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf echo commonName = %COMPUTERNAME% >> %OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf SET OPENSSL_CONF=%OPENSSL_DIR%\openssl.cnf SET RANDFILE=%temp%\openssl.rnd cd /d %OPENSSL_DIR% move /Y %OPENSSL_DIR%\rui.key %OPENSSL_DIR%\rui.key.old move /Y %OPENSSL_DIR%\rui.crt %OPENSSL_DIR%\rui.crt.old "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\openssl.exe" req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout %OPENSSL_DIR%\rui.key -out %OPENSSL_DIR%\rui.crt -days 3650
Import is to start the script elevated, with administrator permissions.