Windows: Configure to use a NTP Timeserver


you can Windows tell to synchronise your PCs time time with an NTP time server of your choice.
For example the german “Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)”, which is the responsible authority of the DCF77 (Time) transmitter, operates three of them:

To set these server as timesource use the following command with Administrator rights:

If the the W32time service does not exists, register them

w32tm /register

start the Time service

net start w32time

Set time source
C:\>w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /update /,

or, if you want that the Computer acts also as a NTP Server in your local network

C:\>w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /update /, /reliable:yes

By default the windows time service has the startup type manual. Command to start the w32time service at startup:
C:\>sc config W32Time start= auto
Note: sc.exe expects a space character after the equal sign! Otherwise a syntax error occurs.

Force the computer to update its time:

w32tm /resync


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