Windows: Resolve Policy Registry Keys to Group Policy Editor Entries (and vice versa)


in Windows, local group policies could applied through the Group Policy Editor or simply by setting the Registry Keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies and its equivalent in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Unfortunataly when just set the Registry Keys this isn’t shown in the GPO Editor and it’s hard to find the equivalent section and setting there.
Continue reading Windows: Resolve Policy Registry Keys to Group Policy Editor Entries (and vice versa)

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Debian: Setup owncloud with TLS (LetsEncrypt) and protected by AppArmor


this Tuturial describes the steps to setup owncloud on top of debian/raspian with lighttpd as webserver and https encryption with certificates sign by Let’s encrypt campain.

Operating System

Install a minimal debian jessie system.

Login as root. On raspbian login as user pi change to root.
Continue reading Debian: Setup owncloud with TLS (LetsEncrypt) and protected by AppArmor