EIB/KNX: KNXNet/IP Gateway with calimero server on Raspberry Pi/Orange Pi PC


as an alternative to knxd the calimero project also supplies an KNXnet/IP server.

The calimero server is based on Java so you have to ensure that the device which should host the server has enough CPU/RAM. A Raspberry Pi or Orange Pi PC should be sufficient.

I’ve written a script which do all necessary tasks to get the server running.

The requirements:

  • A running Debian 10 installed, i.e. raspbian (Raspberry Pi) or armbian (Orange Pi),
  • A TPUART modul as descripted here is connected. PCB and schematic
    Raspberry KNX IP Gateway/Router
    Raspberry KNX IP Gateway/Router

    Raspberry Pi KNX Board Schematic
    Raspberry Pi KNX Board Schematic
  • You can also use KNX USB devices or an IP Tunnel connection but I have not tested it yet. Any experiences or feedback are welcome.

What the script does:

  • Recognition on which platform the script runs
  • Setup the serial device depending on the platform
  • Gets all sources for calimero server and –tools from github
  • Complies all sources
  • Patches calimero server to run in background(detached stdin)
  • Installs binaries to /opt/calimero-server
  • Moves/installs config files to /etc/calimero
  • Alters config to use a TPUART Module
  • Adds 8 KNX Client Addresses
  • Sets the Servername
  • Creates a user and group knx under which the server runs
  • Adds a systemd service knx.service
  • Installs calimero tools and a wrapper script knxtools to /usr/local/bin
  • New: The script can configure calimero to use a KNX USB device or a Tunnel connection

To install calimero KNXNet/IP server download the script. In the header adjust the variables

  • ….

to your needs and run it as root. It can configure calimero server for using TPUART- or KNX USB device and for establish a Tunnel connection. To use a TPUART Module start the script without a parameter

michael@debdev ~ # sudo su -
root@debdev ~ # wget https://michlstechblog.info/blog/download/shell_scripts/calimero_2.sh
root@debdev ~ # bash calimero_2.sh

For the use of the first found USB Device:

root@debdev ~ # bash calimero_2.sh usb

To establish a tunnel connection to start it with:

root@debdev ~ # bash calimero_2.sh tunnel

After script has finshed. Reboot your device. The calimero server starts automatically at boot.

The location of the config file is /etc/calimero/server-config.xml

OrangePi PC with TPUART
OrangePi PC with TPUART

Some basic checks after reboot
Check if the java process is running

root@debdev ~ # ps ax|grep tuwien.auto.calimero.server.Launcher
 429 ? Ssl 0:04 /usr/bin/java -cp /opt/calimero-server/* tuwien..........

Check systemd log

root@debdev ~ # journalctl -xu knx
java[429]: 19:02:45:852 WARN calimero.server - network interface eth0 not found, using system default
java[429]: 19:02:47:090 INFO calimero.server - KNXnet/IP discovery network interfaces: listen on [all], send on [all]
java[429]: 19:02:47:127 INFO calimero.server - Service container '/dev/ttyS0':
java[429]:         listen on any, KNXnet/IP routing multicast group
java[429]:         tpuart connection: TP1 medium, device 3.1.0
java[429]:         Group address filter []
java[429]: 19:02:47:178 INFO calimero.server - connect to /dev/ttyS0
java[429]: 19:02:47:378 INFO calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyS0 - setup serial port: baudrate 19200, even parity, 8 databits, 1 stopbits, timeou
java[429]: 19:02:47:393 INFO calimero.link.tpuart:/dev/ttyS0 - hop count set to 6
java[429]: 19:02:47:579 INFO calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - main-line group address forward setting set to 1
java[429]: 19:02:47:581 INFO calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - sub-line group address forward setting set to 1
java[429]: type 'stop' to stop the gateway and shutdown the server
java[429]: Detached from STDIN. Running in daemon mode
java[429]: 19:02:47:587 INFO calimero.server.knx-server - launch KNXnet/IP server 'Calimero KNXnet/IP Server'
java[429]: 19:02:47:724 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - multicast loopback mode enabled
java[429]: 19:02:47:726 INFO calimero.server.knx-server - KNXnet/IP discovery listens on interface enp0s8
java[429]: 19:02:47:739 INFO calimero.server.knx-server - KNXnet/IP discovery listens on interface enp0s3
java[429]: 19:02:47:739 INFO calimero.server.knx-server - KNXnet/IP discovery listens on interface lo

Check if the KNXnet/IP gateway is found.

root@debdev :~# knxtools discover
Using / at lo
Control endpoint (IPv4 UDP) "Calimero KNXnet/IP Server"
KNX address 1.1.150
KNX medium TP1
Installation 0 - Project 0 (ID 0)
KNX IP multicast address
MAC address 8a:e4:30:04:f1:81
S/N 0x000000000000
Supported services: Core (v1), Device Management (v1), Tunneling (v1)

Using / at eth0
Control endpoint (IPv4 UDP) "Calimero KNXnet/IP Server"
KNX address 1.1.150
KNX medium TP1
Installation 0 - Project 0 (ID 0)
KNX IP multicast address
MAC address 8a:e4:30:04:f1:81
S/N 0x000000000000
Supported services: Core (v1), Device Management (v1), Tunneling (v1)

Check if groupmonitor can connect and see packets on the bus.  Replace with the IP Address of your calimero server.

root@debdev :~# knxtools groupmon -m knxip
19:26:50:994 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling - establish connection from / to /
19:26:51:123 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling - connection established (channel 1)
19:26:51:132 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt - establish connection from / to /
19:26:51:137 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt - connection established (channel 2)
19:27:03.600 0.0.1->5/3/1 A_Group.write 00: 0 counter pulses [5.010], 0 % [6.001], 0 [17.001], activate 0 [18.001], inactive (no message sent) [20.606], [21.106], [28.001]
19:27:03.745 1.1.59->2/2/26 A_Group.write 0c 7c: 31960 ms [7.003], 22.96 mV [9.020]

Script is also available at github. Any feedback is welcome. If you have improvments feel free to send a pull request.


Script to install calimero KNXnet/IP Server
Script to install calimero KNXnet/IP Server
Version: v20190318-124500
31.7 KiB
Script to install calimero KNXnet/IP Server on Debian/Raspbian 10 Buster
34.3 KiB

64 thoughts on “EIB/KNX: KNXNet/IP Gateway with calimero server on Raspberry Pi/Orange Pi PC”

  1. I am from China. Where I can buy the Siemens Bustranceiver Module BTM UP117 5WG1117-2AB11 ?

    It is appreciate that you could give a directly web address to buy it.


  2. Hello Michael,
    So I tried installing your script but it seems it’s not working for me.
    ps ax|grep tuwien.auto.calimero.server.Launcher gives me:
    1503 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep –color=auto tuwien.auto.calimero.server.Launcher

    journalctl -xu knx gives:
    no entries
    and when I make knxtools discover:
    bash: knxtools: command not found
    so apparently it’s not installed.

    I’m a complete beginner with calimero and knx. How can I solve this ?
    Thanks in advance.


    1. Hi Yassin,

      is the script ran completely until the end?

      What was the last line of screen output: Please reboot your device?

      Please rerun the script.


      1. Hello,
        Apparently it doesn’t run until the end, there is an error :

        Package setserial is not available, but is referred to by another package.
        This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
        is only available from another source
        E: Package ‘setserial’ has no installation candidate

        it stops there


      2. Hello,
        It doesn’t complete until the end, it stops with this error:

        Package setserial is not available, but is referred to by another package.
        This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
        is only available from another source

        E: Package ‘setserial’ has no installation candidate


        1. Hi Yassin,

          which linux distribution and which version do you use ?

          Try the following before running the script (Update and reboot)

          sudo apt-get update 
          sudo apt-get upgrade
          sudo reboot


          1. Hello,
            I’m running raspbian stretch on rpi3, I tried installing the missing package manually and now it’s working.
            So I connected my rpi to a simple knx home system through ip router IN00A01RIP from eelectron, I can find its mac address when I do knxtools discover but I can’t see any packets on the bus. Also I don’t know how to send commands to turn on/off lights.
            can you help me please ?

            Besides here is my email : yassinegouja@gmail.com could you please send me yours to detail problem and for further queries.
            Sorry for the inconvenience.


          2. Hi Yassin,

            any more Details? Command line which you are using? Calimero server-config.xml file? Error Messages?


  3. as knxd did not succeed, i tried to install this one on a blank raspberry 2 with brand new jessie image.
    This is the result

    knxtools discover
    Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
    Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: tuwien/auto/calimero/KNXFormatException
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Class.java:2701)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetMethodRecursive(Class.java:3048)
    at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(Class.java:3018)
    at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:1784)
    at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.validateMainClass(LauncherHelper.java:544)
    at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(LauncherHelper.java:526)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: tuwien.auto.calimero.KNXFormatException
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:331)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)

    I had to add a line 117 :

    export IS_RASPBERRY_3=0

    otherwise that variable was not initiated and failed @line 645

    I upgraded and updated jessie to latest version and ran the script again, but same result.

    1. Hi Kurt
      create an symlink:

      ln -s /opt/calimero-server/calimero-core-2.4-rc1.jar /opt/calimero-server/calimero-core-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar

      and try to run knxtools again.

      BTW: Why you are still on debian jessie 🙂 ?


      P.S. Script is adjusted

      1. it seems to work now

        knxtools groupmon -m knxip
        13:26:11:153 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – establish connection from / to /
        13:26:11:208 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – connection established (channel 5)
        13:26:11:218 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt – establish connection from / to /
        13:26:11:226 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt – connection established (channel 6)

        But i do not see any message appearing on the bus.
        Is there somewhere a user manual for calimero knxtools ?

        1. update : just received my busware.de/tiki-index.php?page=POD and after installation and without touching anything, the script of michael did do the job activating the whole interface
          Magnificent job michael !

  4. > Task :compileJava FAILED

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:compileJava’.
    > Could not target platform: ‘Java SE 9’ using tool chain: ‘JDK 8 (1.8)’.

    1. Hi Lukasz,

      the calimero is under development and they switch to Java 9. I must alter my script to just use the 2.4 release (based on Java 8) for the projects (if available) branch… I think tomorrow….

      Update: Script is altered. Please cleanup your build directory and try again.


          1. Dear Michael,

            finally I managed to get everything working – but I had to change your script a little bit. Here is the diff:

            root@raspberrypi:~# diff calimero.sh calimero.sh.1
            cp ./build/libs/calimero-core-2.4-*.jar $CALIMERO_SERVER_PATH
            cp ./build/libs/calimero-device-2.4-*.jar $CALIMERO_SERVER_PATH
            cp ./build/libs/calimero-rxtx-2.4-*.jar $CALIMERO_SERVER_PATH
            cp ./build/libs/calimero-server-2.4-*.jar $CALIMERO_SERVER_PATH
            cp ./build/libs/calimero-tools-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar $CALIMERO_SERVER_PATH

            Thank you very much for your great work,

          2. Diff output doesn’t work here…

            In fact I had to change all ./build/libs paths to something like that ~/calimero-build/calimero-core/build/libs (for core, server, tools, etc.) and also the calimero-tools-2.4.-SNAPSHOT.jar name to *.rc1.jar


          3. Hi Michael,

            thx for the hint. I changed the copy command of the calimero tools jar to calimero-tools-2.4-*.jar but a change to ~/calimero-build/calimero-core/build/libs isn’t necessary because the working directory is always changed to the root of the package before building it and therefore the relative path should work.


  5. hello , Hello. I did all the steps. looks ok. (comunication etc).
    But i do not see any message appearing on the bus.
    KNX/Interface Thing it is online.

  6. Hi Michael.

    I’ve followed your guide(s) setting up my BTM UP117 5WG1117-2AB12 with a 1201 between the RPI and KNX bus. I’ve tried eibd, knxd, and calimero, but all seem to fail.

    I checked if there is traffic between serial and the knx, and i get some “garble” when i press my light switch on and off.

    I can get calimero to start, but get ADPU errors, and generally no sensible info when monitoring the bus.
    Ive tried to connect the 1201 to both 3.3 and 5.0 v (some suggested 3.3 v )

    What might i be doing wrong?

  7. Hi There,

    I came across this github project (Race666/calimero-server) and this blog post linked.

    We are trying to make a gateway that can talk to existing KNX system. As I read, this project talks about the same. Can you please let me know if the project will cater to our needs.

    +61 45-21695

  8. Hi,

    Thanks for your tutorial.

    I’m trying to use it. I have installed the server and I get a good response from knxtools discover command:

    root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# knxtools discover
    13:30:38:673 INFO calimero.knxnetip.Discoverer – search on eth0 /
    13:30:38:693 INFO calimero.knxnetip.Discoverer – search on lo /

    Using at eth0
    “Calimero KNXnet/IP Server” endpoint (IPv4 UDP)
    KNX address 2.1.0
    KNX medium TP1
    Installation 0 – Project 0 (ID 0)
    KNX IP multicast address
    MAC address b8:27:eb:a6:5f:92
    Supported services: Core (v1), Device Management (v1), Tunneling (v1), Routing (v1)

    Using at lo
    “Calimero KNXnet/IP Server” endpoint (IPv4 UDP)
    KNX address 2.1.0
    KNX medium TP1
    Installation 0 – Project 0 (ID 0)
    KNX IP multicast address
    MAC address b8:27:eb:a6:5f:92
    Supported services: Core (v1), Device Management (v1), Tunneling (v1), Routing (v1)
    13:30:41:721 INFO calimero.knxnetip.Discoverer – search stopped after 3 seconds with 2 responses

    The problem is when I try to listen from the bus:

    root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# knxtools groupmon -m knxip
    13:32:35:488 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – establish connection from / to /
    13:32:35:511 ERROR calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – could not accept new connection (maximum reached)
    13:32:35:512 ERROR calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – establishing connection failed, error response from control endpoint / could not accept new connection (maximum reached)
    13:32:35:513 ERROR calimero.tools.ProcComm – completed with error
    tuwien.auto.calimero.KNXRemoteException: error response from control endpoint / could not accept new connection (maximum reached)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.knxnetip.ClientConnection.connect(ClientConnection.java:201)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.knxnetip.KNXnetIPTunnel.(KNXnetIPTunnel.java:158)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.link.KNXNetworkLinkIP.newConnection(KNXNetworkLinkIP.java:309)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.link.KNXNetworkLinkIP.(KNXNetworkLinkIP.java:201)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.link.KNXNetworkLinkIP.newTunnelingLink(KNXNetworkLinkIP.java:132)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.createLink(ProcComm.java:487)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.start(ProcComm.java:323)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.run(ProcComm.java:274)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.main(ProcComm.java:260)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497)
    at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.Main.main(Main.java:117)

    Do you know what is can be wrong?

    Thanks in advance.

  9. Thank you for the script. Maybe you could change the wget command to get the github version because the version at michlstechblog.info/blog/download/shell_scripts/calimero.sh doen’t work (Maven too old).

    I had another problem. My raspberry pi is only connected with by wlan0 so calimero failed to start. sed s/eth0/wlan0/g on /etc/calimero/server-config.xml
    fixed it.

  10. hi michael,
    i can install it on openhabian, but not work….

    [20:36:53] root@openHABianPi:~# ps ax|grep tuwien.auto.calimero.server.Launcher
    1201 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep –color=auto tuwien.auto.calimero.server.Launcher
    [20:37:15] root@openHABianPi:~# journalctl -xu knx
    — No entries —
    [20:37:33] root@openHABianPi:~# knxtools groupmon -m knxip
    -su: knxtools: command not found

  11. Hi, Michael
    this is a error:

    Package oracle-java8-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source

    E: Package ‘oracle-java8-jdk’ has no installation candidate

      1. Successful compilation in PI4
        Thank you very much for your script.
        but the usb connect still have problems,the ipt workingfine.
        I decided to use 5WG1117-2AB12 to do it.

        Best Regrads

      2. Hi Michael
        I have a ABB 6120/13-500 module,Whether this module can be used as a TPUART module?

        In addition, I would like to ask how to distinguish between Stecker Btm pins 1-10 on your circuit diagram? How to connect the Raspberry Pi?

        Thank you

        Best Regards

        1. Hi Songzh,

          please ignore the PIN Numbers in the schematic. TPUART Module is using an other numbering schema than the standard (Computer) Pin Header but I had not changed this in the schematic. PCB is Pin compatible to the TPUART Module.

          ABB 6120/13-500 is a BCU2. With my PCB you can not replace a TPUART Module with this, because BCU2 uses other pins for Power Supply and TX/RX. You have to design a new PCB.

          Some BCU2’s works with knxd. You have to use -b ft12 as device parameter


  12. Hi,

    When i run the script i get the following error:
    Package oracle-java8-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source

    E: Package ‘oracle-java8-jdk’ has no installation candidate


  13. Hi,
    I installed with the calimero_2.sh script on a Rasp4 with freshly-installed Buster-based Openhabian. Everything went through without any error message.
    Then I activated USB in the configuration and restarted the system.

    Now Calimero tries to open the USB connection but it gets an exception: …USB Error 3 Access denied….

    What do I need to do to give it the needed permissions?


    1. Hi Miro,

      determine the USB Vendor and Product ID by lsusb


      Then take a look at /etc/udev/rules.d/90-knxusb-devices.rules and look if your device is listed there. If not add a new line with the properties of your device.


      1. Hi Michael,
        Thank you! It looks good now.
        Just one KNXTimeoutException during start up, but then:
        KNX-USB Inteface (ESYLUX)
        S/N: 00721….

        How would you suggest to test, whether it is really working or not? I’m still on a raw system without openhab configuration. So, a command line would be cool…


          1. Oh, sorry. I’ve could found it by myself. I’ll try it out.

            What I already tried is to connect with my ETS4 which is running inside a VM with a NAT-ed network interface. Unfortunately, it didn’t work an the server produced some Calimero exceptions. It complained about the IP address of the ETS4-VM and could not send the ACKs. But it was complaining about the IP behind the NAT. Where does it have that from? And, why does it care about? Shouldn’t send it the ACK to the sender of the request (VM-Host)?


  14. While i had some problems with the other 2 versions of the KNXD tool. The first script of the Calimero didn’t work for me. Got an error that some Javascript wasn’t available anymore.
    Tried the calimero_2.sh and its working fine on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ with an Hager Electro USB interface.
    Even the ETS KNX software is detecting the IP gateway automatically. Very much thank you!
    Now i will try to connect it with OpenHAB and get some visualisation!
    Keep up the good work! 🙂

  15. With KNXD (which I stopped trying to use because of its USB issues), I could switch a light on using:

    knxtool groupswrite ip: 14/5/73 1

    I cannot, for the life of me find the equivalent in calimero

    I tried all sorts of
    knxtools write
    commands, but they all seem to be wrong and finding something as basic as a manual

    1. I’ll elaborate a bit more on what I’m trying to do.
      Checking the bus works great:

      pi@rpiKNX:~ $ knxtools groupmon -m knxip
      13:52:58:641 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – establish connection from / to /
      13:52:58:764 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – connection established (channel 1)
      13:52:58:772 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt – establish connection from / to /
      13:53:02:268 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt – connection established (channel 2)
      13:53:05.811 2.5.73->14/0/73 A_Group.write 00: no alarm [1.005], 0 false [2.002], decrease break [3.007]
      13:53:57.951 2.5.73->14/5/73 A_Group.write 01: alarm [1.005], 0 true [2.002], decrease 1 steps [3.007]
      13:53:57.995 2.5.73->14/0/73 A_Group.write 01: alarm [1.005], 0 true [2.002], decrease 1 steps [3.007]
      13:53:59.684 2.5.73->14/5/73 A_Group.write 00: no alarm [1.005], 0 false [2.002], decrease break [3.007]
      13:53:59.732 2.5.73->14/0/73 A_Group.write 00: no alarm [1.005], 0 false [2.002], decrease break [3.007]

      But then I try:

      knxtools write 1.005 on 14/5/73
      knxtools write 1.005 “on” 14/5/73
      knxtools write 1.005 true 14/5/73

      or 1 or 01 instead of on or true

      Also tried localhost,

      2.002, 3.007 and 1.001 instead of 1.005

      and all I get is:

      knxtools write 1.005 “on” 14/5/73
      13:57:24:152 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – establish connection from / to /
      13:57:24:188 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP Tunneling – connection established (channel 7)
      13:57:24:195 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt – establish connection from / to /
      13:57:25:256 INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP DevMgmt – connection established (channel 8)
      13:57:27:935 INFO calimero.process.communication – detached from link
      13:57:27:941 INFO calimero.link. – link closed
      13:57:27:942 ERROR calimero.tools.ProcComm – completed with error
      java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 0, end -1, length 2
      at java.base/java.lang.String.checkBoundsBeginEnd(String.java:3319)
      at java.base/java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1874)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.dptxlator.TranslatorTypes.getMainNumber(TranslatorTypes.java:654)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.dptxlator.TranslatorTypes.createTranslator(TranslatorTypes.java:566)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.process.ProcessCommunicatorImpl.write(ProcessCommunicatorImpl.java:352)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.readWrite(ProcComm.java:567)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.readWrite(ProcComm.java:552)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.run(ProcComm.java:280)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.ProcComm.main(ProcComm.java:260)
      at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
      at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
      at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
      at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
      at tuwien.auto.calimero.tools.Main.main(Main.java:117)

      1. Hi Janis,

        command line help is not correct. Use:

        knxtools write "14/5/73" switch on -m knxip
        knxtools write "14/5/73" 1.001 on -m knxip

        More details at ProcComm.java :

        Entry point for running ProcComm. The endpoint for KNX network access is either an IP host or port identifier for
        IP, USB, FT1.2 or TP-UART communication. Use the command line option --help (or -h) to show the
        usage of this tool.

        Command line options are treated case sensitive. Available options for communication:

        • --help -h show help message
        • --version show tool/library version and exit
        • --verbose -v enable verbose status output
        • --compact -c show incoming process communication data in compact format
        • --localhost id  local IP/host name
        • --localport number  local UDP port (default system assigned)
        • --port -p number  UDP port on host (default 3671)
        • --nat -n enable Network Address Translation
        • --ft12 -f use FT1.2 serial communication
        • --usb -u use KNX USB communication
        • --tpuart use TP-UART communication
        • --medium -m id  KNX medium [tp1|p110|knxip|rf] (defaults to tp1)
        • --domain address  domain address on open KNX medium (PL or RF)
        • --sn number  device serial number to use in RF multicasts & broadcasts

        Available commands for process communication:

        • read group-address  [DPT]    read from datapoint with the specified
          group address, using DPT value format (optional)
        • write group-address  [DPT]  value    write to datapoint with the
          specified group address, using DPT value format
        • monitor enter group monitoring

        In monitor mode, read/write commands can be issued on the terminal using cmd DP [DPT] [value], with
        cmd = ("r"|"read") | ("w"|"write").
        Additionally, the tool will either create or load an existing datapoint list and maintain it with all datapoints
        being read or written. Hence, once the datapoint type of a datapoint is known, the DPT part can be omitted from
        the command. The datapoint list is saved to the current working directory.
        Examples: write 1/0/1 switch off, w 1/0/1 off, r 1/0/1.

        For common datapoint types (DPTs) the following name aliases can be used instead of the general DPT number

        • switch for DPT 1.001, with values off, on
        • bool for DPT 1.002, with values false, true
        • dimmer for DPT 3.007, with values decrease 0..7, increase 0..7
        • blinds for DPT 3.008, with values up 0..7, down 0..7
        • percent for DPT 5.001, with values 0..100
        • % for DPT 5.001, with values 0..100
        • angle for DPT 5.003, with values 0..360
        • ucount for DPT 5.010, with values 0..255
        • temp for DPT 9.001, with values -273..+670760
        • float or float2 for DPT 9.002
        • float4 for DPT 14.005
        • int for DPT 13.001
        • string for DPT 16.001

        Opened an issue at github.

        Update: command line help issue is fixed in master.


        1. Michael,

          Thanks a million!! I was not able to deduct this syntax from the ProcComm page.
          It all works again. I’m happy as can be.

          Finally my KNX stuff is controllable via domoticz again.
          Part of the house we bought was KNX controlled whereas my own stuff is zwave.
          Now it’s all integrated, nice.

          Thanks again.

  16. It’s still working as it should, there’s just one thing that knxd was better at (when it used to work with my ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH KNX-USB). And that’s speed.
    It takes 5 to 6 seconds between issuing the “knxtools write” command and the light actually turning on.

  17. This (and the knxd) version works. i have some problems in usage though.
    I am using a Dali gateway that generates a lot of bus traffic.
    There is sometimes a lot of delay (10s+) when switching lights.
    Is this expected behaviour? Is the Siemens module not fast enough for high traffic?
    Knxd works also but crashes on high traffic.

  18. Got a huge amount of help on GitHub with the following result:

    About 5 seconds have been shaved of the switch-times:

    knxtools write 14/5/73 switch on -m knxip
    6.9 seconds

    knxtools write 14/5/73 switch on -m knxip
    1.7 Seconds

  19. Hello.
    First thank you for the great tutorials and scripts on your page.

    I am using an RPI 3 and i installed your calimero_2.sh script.

    No error occured during the installation and the ETS 5 also recognizes the interface.
    But i can not program a adress to my knx devices or see any action on the diagnostic mode.
    So i tried journalctl -xu knx and the output was:

    Jän 01 21:02:31 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Calimero KNX Daemon.
    — Subject: A start job for unit knx.service has finished successfully
    — Defined-By: systemd

    — A start job for unit knx.service has finished successfully.

    — The job identifier is 87.
    Jän 01 21:02:37 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server –
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server –
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server –
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: listen on eth0, KNXnet/IP routing
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: tpuart connection: TP1 medium, de
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server –
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service]
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service]
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO cali
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO cali
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO cali
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service]
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyAMA0
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service]
    lines 1-23…skipping…
    — Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 11:11:59 CET, end at Wed 2020-01-01 21:21:31 CET. —
    Jän 01 21:02:31 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Calimero KNX Daemon.
    — Subject: A start job for unit knx.service has finished successfully
    — Defined-By: systemd

    — A start job for unit knx.service has finished successfully.

    — The job identifier is 87.
    Jän 01 21:02:37 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – Calimero KNXnet/IP server (v2.4) ‘Calimero KNXnet/IP Server’
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – KNXnet/IP discovery network interfaces: listen on [all], send on [all]
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – Service container ‘/dev/ttyAMA0’:
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: listen on eth0, KNXnet/IP routing multicast group
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: tpuart connection: TP1 medium, device 1.1.0
    Jän 01 21:02:40 raspberrypi java[424]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – setup tpuart subnet ‘/dev/ttyAMA0’
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service] INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service – using network interface eth0
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service] INFO calimero.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service – multicast loopback mode enabled
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – KNXnet/IP discovery listens on interface eth0
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – KNXnet/IP discovery listens on interface lo
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – knx-server discovery endpoint is up and running
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service] INFO calimero.server.gateway.knx-server – /dev/ttyAMA0 started KNXnet/IP routing service
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyAMA0] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyAMA0 is up and running
    Jän 01 21:02:41 raspberrypi java[424]: [knx-server routing service] INFO calimero.server.knx-server – knx-server routing service is up and running

    So there is still ‘/dev/ttyAMA0’: i read on another blog from you at rpi3 there should be ttys0 but i can not change that.
    i Think this could be a problem but i cant solve it also not with google.

    Another question is i am using a Gira 200800 BCU and not a siemens. Is the schematic different?

    Best Reguard

    1. Hi Edi,

      a Gira 200800 BCU is not compatible with a Siemens TPUART module. They speak different protocols. Gira 200800 BCU is a Buscoupling unit these usually uses FT12 and not TPUART protocol and also not all BCU(2)’s can be used.


  20. Success.

    I finally made it working.
    To see the telegrams on the bus I used:
    knxtools groupmon -m knxip

    To switch on and off a light I used:
    knxtools write 0/0/1 switch on -m knxip
    knxtools write 0/0/1 switch off -m knxip

    Thanks for all the help and guidance.

  21. Hello
    Thank you very much for these tutorials, they are very helpful!

    Can I use your script to install on an Orange Pi Zero?
    When I test I get this error:
    Configure support for TPUART
    No supported Hardware detected

    1. Hi Peter,

      I think not out of the box. You have to determine which serial device (I think ttyS1 ) corresponds to Pin8/10 at the pin header. For Orange PI PCs this is /dev/ttyS3.
      With this information and the output of

      cat /proc/device-tree/model

      I can adjust the script to also run on Orange PI Zero.


  22. Great stuff, however looks like the knxSubnet type: ft12-cemi isn’t supproted in the 2.4 build. how can I use the script to build based on the latest version of calimero?

  23. Hi Michael,

    I was using this solution for some years now and everything was working fine – until my SD card broke and I had to reinstall everything from scratch on my Raspi 3. But now the script doesn’t work anymore… It stops with this error:

    E: Paket oracle-java8-jdk kann nicht gefunden werden.

    I do not get the point why it is complaining about java 8 (and certainly not from oracle) because the script installs open jdk 11… can you please help here?

    Thank you and best regards,

  24. Hello, First of all, I apologize for my bad english. I have a ABB S/1.2 USB Interface. I’m trying to install calimero on my debian installed OrangePi PC Plus device, but i can’t install calimero.

    bash calimero_2.sh usb when i run this command; ”Configure support for USB No supported Hardware detected” i’m getting to warning.

    I don’t know how to configure USB. I don’t know much about Linux. Please help, I’ve been trying for a week but I couldn’t do it.

  25. Hi,

    could you please update the installation script to the latest version. The instllation of th used branch 2.5 M1 is not anymore wokring in my case. After manually changing the script to the newest branch 2.5.1 also an failure appears. I would be very happy about any help.

    Thanks René

  26. Hi,

    I have updated my hardware to an new RPi5. I tried to install again with your provided shell script an get the error:

    “openHABian-RPi5:/home/openhabian# bash calimero.sh usb
    Configure support for USB
    Raspberry Pi found!
    Unknown CPU architecture aarch64”

    Is it possible to get an updated version to get my KNX Server runnning again?

    best regards Rene

  27. Hi,

    I bought an Rpi5 and tried to install again the calimaro server with your script. It stops because the RPi5 CPU is unknown. Could you please update the script to be able to install it on an RPi5?

    best regards René

  28. Hi,

    I bought an RPi5 and like to migrate from the 32Bit OS to 64Bit bookworm. I tried again to install the calimaro server but get now the following error:

    “root@openHABian-RPi5:/home/openhabian# bash calimero_2.sh
    Configure support for TPUART
    Raspberry Pi found!
    Unknown CPU architecture aarch64”

    Could you please add support for the RPi5 CPU architecture aarch64?

    best regards René

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