Tag Archives: routing

Linux: ip command line examples


the old style ifconfig, route and netstat commands does not support all network, especially IPv6, features shipped with modern linux distributions.

Replacement are ip (ifconfig, route) and ss (netstat). Here are some examples.
Continue reading Linux: ip command line examples

EIB/KNX: KNXNet/IP Gateway with calimero server on Raspberry Pi/Orange Pi PC


as an alternative to knxd the calimero project also supplies an KNXnet/IP server.

Continue reading EIB/KNX: KNXNet/IP Gateway with calimero server on Raspberry Pi/Orange Pi PC

Windows: How to enable IP routing


its not recommended, but Windows can act as a IP Router.

To enable routing set

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\IPEnableRouter to 1:

c:\>reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters /v IPEnableRouter /D 1 /f

change the startup type of the service “Routing and Remote Access” to auto

sc config RemoteAccess start= auto

and start the service

sc start RemoteAccess

Thats it
