Tag Archives: eibd

EIB/KNX: KNXNet/IP Gateway with calimero server on Raspberry Pi/Orange Pi PC


as an alternative to knxd the calimero project also supplies an KNXnet/IP server.

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Raspberry Pi: EIB/KNX IP Gateway and Router with knxd


in my previous posts EIB/KNX Router with an USB Interface and KNX/EIB Router with a TPUART module I described how to use a Raspberry PI as EIB/KNX Router with eibd.

eibd is no longer in development so I decided to give knxd, a fork of eibd, a try:-) The script attached at the end of the post is written for raspbian but should also work an all debian system with systemd imit system.

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EIBD/KNX/EIB: Check if a mobile phone is online and send EIB Telegrams depending on its state


this post describes how to check on a Raspberry Pi if a mobile phone (Apple or Android) is online and send EIB Telegram depending of the device is available or not to the EIB bus.

You need an running eibd to send packets via IP to the EIB/KNX Bus.
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Raspberry Pi: eibd with a KNX USB Interface


a reader of my post asks me if it possible to connect the eibd bus with a KNX USB Interface instead of the TPUART board.  These interfaces are available by several vendors(Siemens, Gira, Merten etc.).

I have no KNX USB Interface for testing and therefore Bastian Herzog did that part and supports me to improve the script. Very special thanks to him. Together we have get this started.

As descripted in the previous post setup your Raspberry Pi with raspbian:
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Raspberry PI: EIB/KNX IP Gateway and Router


this Post is a tutorial to build an IP EIB/KNX Gateway based on a Raspberry Pi completely from the scratch. The core components are the eib daemon from the bcusdk in conjunction with the TPUART EIB Bustranceiver module.

The Hardware

3 components are needed:

  • A Raspberry PI
  • A EIB Buscoupling Unit
  • Adapter Board to connecting both

You can use A or the B Model of Raspberry Pi. The eibd daemon has minimal hardware requirements.

There are two possibilities for connecting a computer to the EIB/KNX Bus over a RS232 serial interface. Both are supported by eibd.

  • Buscoupler 2 with FT12 protocol
  • TPUART module

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