All posts by Michael Albert

ESXi: Capture Network packets on a vSwitch port or on a VM’s NIC


ESXi offers some extented methods to capture network packets. Here are some examples.

First of all logon to your ESXi host by ssh.

To capture all traffic on a vmkernel interface use tcpdump-uw.
List all vmkernel interfaces

~ # esxcfg-vmknic -l
vmk0    .....   
vmk1    .....   

Continue reading ESXi: Capture Network packets on a vSwitch port or on a VM’s NIC

Debian: Save current active iptables rules


some basic commands to handle a ruleset of iptables.

To dump all active iptables rules to the console rules use

root@debdev:~ # iptables-save

Continue reading Debian: Save current active iptables rules

Linux: Move a process from fore- to background


bash offers the ability to move a running foreground process into background.

An example 🙂 Listen with netcat at tcp port 80, this process to not exit and stays in foreground.

root@debdev:~# nc -l -t -p 80 -s

Now I want to do some other things in this console.
Continue reading Linux: Move a process from fore- to background

DNS: Configure DNS to return the same IP Address for all hostnames


its possible to catch all DNS host queries to just one IP Address. For example in an open WLAN to redirect a User to a authentication page before he can use the network.

Continue reading DNS: Configure DNS to return the same IP Address for all hostnames

Linux: Configure a tiny DHCP Server


the best choice to setup a very tiny dhcp server on linux is the busybox udhcpd DHCP implemention.

root@debdev:~# apt-get install udhcpd

Continue reading Linux: Configure a tiny DHCP Server