Tag Archives: interface

Windows: Interface down due to an IP Address conflict


a customer had the issue that an virtual machine gets down frequently. An ipconfig reports a IP Address of the “Automatic Private IP Addressing” range (169.254.x.x).
Continue reading Windows: Interface down due to an IP Address conflict

Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection


the scenario: A device with a serial console for example a raspberry pi, orange pi, esp8266 with tasmota, digital multimeter etc. runs headless, but you want to able to connect to the serial console with linux system here called serialServer over the network.
Continue reading Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection

VMware: Set MAC Address of a kernel interface with PowerCli


the New-VMHostNetworkAdapter offers the ability to set the MAC address while adding a new kernel interface. But this has a limitation. It always only a MAC within a range 00:50:56:00:00:00 – 00:50:56:3F:FF:FF.

If you try it even though you will get an error:

New-VMHostNetworkAdapter The MAC address is invalid or is not in the valid range 00:50:56:00:00:00 - 00:50:56:3F:FF:FF.

Continue reading VMware: Set MAC Address of a kernel interface with PowerCli

ESXi: Capture Network packets on a vSwitch port or on a VM’s NIC


ESXi offers some extented methods to capture network packets. Here are some examples.

First of all logon to your ESXi host by ssh.

To capture all traffic on a vmkernel interface use tcpdump-uw.
List all vmkernel interfaces

~ # esxcfg-vmknic -l
vmk0    .....   
vmk1    .....   

Continue reading ESXi: Capture Network packets on a vSwitch port or on a VM’s NIC

Windows: Network interface order


some Licensemanager uses the first MAC Address found in system as the HostID. You can use the getmac.exe command to show the list with all NICs.


Physical addresse   Transport Name
=================== ===================================================
5C-9A-D8-AE-DC-0D   \device\TCPIP_{c6a12685-4aed-49a8-b26b-dce59b81b911}
00-DE-94-17-CA-0F   \device\TCPIP_{9f963344-edae-4a42-a992-bb9bc05672bb}
00-CA-BE-17-CA-0F   \device\TCPIP_{ad634d51-ccee-43d5-bef6-ce5749b4cdfd}

In this example 5C-9A-D8-AE-DC-0D was used as the host id. Sometimes, after installing a additional LAN adapter or by removing one, these alignment is disordered and the licensemanager won’t start.

These order is indent by the subkeys of


Each Network Interface has its own subkey started by 0000. The lowest Keynumber is the first in the output of getmac. So order your NICs as you want by renaming the keys(4-digit numbers)
