Category Archives: Debian

Debian: git error gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.


I’m on debian testing and cloning from a git repository fails with error: “gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed” occured.
git is linked against the libcurl3-gnutls library. Newer versions have a bug when using git over a https proxy.
Continue reading Debian: git error gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.

Linux: Using a http proxy with programs that are not being proxy aware


proxytunnel offers the ability to open bind a tcp port to localhost and tunnels all traffic through a http proxy to a specific target system.

Linux: Create multiple partitions in an virtual mtd device created by nandsim


this post describes creating an virtual mtd device by nandsim with multiple partitions.
Continue reading Linux: Create multiple partitions in an virtual mtd device created by nandsim

Debian: Configure wireless LAN by Systemd


this post is a step by step tutorial for setup WLAN in debian by systemd.

Determine the WLAN Adapter and reachable Networks

root@debdev ~# iwconfig
root@debdev ~# ifconfig wlan0 up
root@debdev ~# iwlist wlan0 scanning

Continue reading Debian: Configure wireless LAN by Systemd

Debian: Switch from stable(Jessie) to testing (Stretch)


steps to switch an Debian installation from stable to testing:
Continue reading Debian: Switch from stable(Jessie) to testing (Stretch)