Category Archives: Debian

Linux: Setup ntp server


linux can, of course 🙂 , act as an ntp server.

For debian 9 the following steps are necessary.
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Samba: Setup for Windows Previous Versions Support


this post describes how to setup samba to provide filesystem snapshots to Windows in its “Previous Versions” tab.

Install your prefered Linux Distribution. In this tutorial debian 9 stretch.
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Debian: Set python 3 as default


debian is still delivered with 2.7 as the default version of python. /usr/bin/python is in fact a symlink to the current default versions binary.

The update-alternatives scripts allows to change this.
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Debian: Shutdown when pressing power button


when you install Debian with just the Standard minium System utilities a power off by pressing the power button is not possible.

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Debian: git error gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.


I’m on debian testing and cloning from a git repository fails with error: “gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed” occured.
git is linked against the libcurl3-gnutls library. Newer versions have a bug when using git over a https proxy.
Continue reading Debian: git error gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.