Tag Archives: configure

rsyslog: Configure TLS/SSL


to setup a remote syslog server TLS encryption is strongly recommended.

Continue reading rsyslog: Configure TLS/SSL

Tasmota: Setup a PWM with 1024Bit


short post today. It shows howto configure a GPIO Pin as PWM with a width of 1024Bits. Note the restrictions when using IO Ports.

Configure GPIO 14 to PWM 1.

Continue reading Tasmota: Setup a PWM with 1024Bit

Linux: Setup ntp server


linux can, of course 🙂 , act as an ntp server.

For debian 9 the following steps are necessary.
Continue reading Linux: Setup ntp server

Atom Editor: Configure proxy settings


if you use the new Atom Editor from Github and want to use the integrated installer for packages and themes behind a proxy server you have to configure the .apmrc file.

Continue reading Atom Editor: Configure proxy settings