short post about installing MagicMirror on Windows.
short post about installing MagicMirror on Windows.
sometimes it is necessary to only dump the network traffic before an event happend. For this cases wirkshark has the command line option for a ringbuffer.
Continue reading Wireshark/tcpdump: Write trace to a ringbuffer file
This is a list of useful tools and links
Process Hacker -> Can show Windows firewall matches
Sysinternals Process Monitor
Sysinternals Process Explorer
netsh – netsh trace
Microsoft Message Analyzer
wifite – Recover WiFi credentials
Nzyme – WLAN intrution detection
Hydra -> Login-Cracker
Windows Login Unlocker -> Reset account in WinPE
chntpw -> Reset account in WinPE
LaZagne -> – Python open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords
John the Ripper
John the Ripper
zip2john -> extract hash from zip -> Get pass with John the Ripper
DPAPI explained (used for Windows Vault)
Rufus – Create USB Bootstick
photorec -> recover files
TestDisk -> recover partitions
OSFMount -> Mount images created by dd or ddrescue under Windows
DIRB – Search for well known folders and look for credentials…
WPScan – Check WordPress for known vulnarbiliteies
SQLmap – Check for SQL Injections
OWAP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)
metasploit -> Check again vulnarbiliteies
PowerShell Empire
mimikatz -> Extract credentials from Windows
Ghidra -> Reverse engineering
Reko – Decompiler/Reverse engineering
JD – Java Decompiler
Rubeus -> Raw Kerberos interaction
Windows Privilege Escalation – Scripts , etc…
Analyze physical Memory, memory dumps -> Volatility, Redline, Rekall , MemGator
nmap – Port scanner
Sophia Script -> Disable some Windows 10 functions
Ventoy – Can boot iso, wim images….
Yumi – Multiboot USB Stick
Trivy – Scans docker images for vulnerabilities
rcrypt – Copies files to various targets, can also encrypted data (webdav,s3, ….). Available for Windows, Linux..
Kicad – electronic design automation (EDA)
QElectroTech – create electric diagrams. Usefull for drawing electric diagrams for your home
RipperX – Linux
CDex – Windows Newer Version comes with adware
Fre:ac – Windows
Qreator – Generates WLAN, URL QRCodes (Linux)
SimpleCodeGenerator – Nirsoft quickly generate QR Code (Windows)
Kodi – Media center
Volumio – Raspberry Audio Player
Pi Core Player
moodeaudio – Raspberry Audio Player
BubbleUPnP Server – Chromecast server, UPNP renderer….
ILSpy – .NET/C# decompiler
Testing/control Websites – Selenium
IOMeter – Surface that takes some getting used to, old, but still working.
DiskSpd – Microsoft tool for checking DIsk IO
iperf – Supports TCP/UDP, differnet packet sizes…
using gradlew behind a proxy server:
Create config directory if not exists
1 | michael@debdev ~# mkdir ~/.gradle |
Continue reading gradlew: Using gradlew behind a http proxy server
Libreelec for Allwinner CPUs is currently under development.
If you want to compile the latest version you have to compile it from source or use the precompiled images.
Ensure you have enough disk space (>= 20GB). These steps are necessary for a Orange Pi PC and you have to adopt it to your device.
Continue reading Libreelec: Compile latest Libreelec for Orange Pi PC