Category Archives: Scripting & programming

Somthing about Powershell, VB Script, C#, VB.NET

JSON: Formatting a Json readable


if you have a unformated json expression like

{"Metallica": "Thrash", "GraveDigger": "Power","Kataklsym":"Death"}

and want to format it readable you could use the python module json.tool
Continue reading JSON: Formatting a Json readable

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Powershell: Import a module from a file


you just want to test a module and don’t want to install or copy it to the Powershell Modules directories? It’s possible 🙂

For example the SpeculationControl module to query the speculation control (Spectre/Meltdown vulnerability) settings of your system.
Continue reading Powershell: Import a module from a file

Powershell: A Local script is not executed with error not digitally signed


Issue: You downloaded or copied a script from a remote location and Powershell won’t execute such a file although you have set the execution policy to RemoteSigned.

An Error like this occurs:

D:\Temp\myScript.ps1 : File D:\Temp\myScript.ps1 cannot
be loaded. The file D:\Temp\myScript.ps1 is not digitally signed. The script
will not execute on the system.

Continue reading Powershell: A Local script is not executed with error not digitally signed

Powershell: Escape a String for regular expression.


when a pattern for a regular expression contains reserved characters it can be difficult to quote all these signs correctly.

Continue reading Powershell: Escape a String for regular expression.

Windows 10: Determine history of feature upgrades


this powershell script determines the previous Windows 10 ReleaseIDs and install date of all feature updates applied to a system.
Continue reading Windows 10: Determine history of feature upgrades