Category Archives: Powershell

Powershell: Some examples to use a MySQL Database


sometimes it makes sence to write Data in a “real” Databasesystem instead of writing to a text- or xml file.

MySQL offers an native Windows .NET Connector to its Database. You can get it here.

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Windows: Equivalent to linux time command


the time command in Windows gets or sets the system time. If you need an equivalent to the linux time command – which measure the execution time of a given command – you can use the powershell commandlet Measure-Command. Limitation is that only the time can measure how long the command execution runs, not splited into user, system and realtime.
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Powershell: List members of an Active Directory Group


here are the code snippets to list all members of an Active Directory Group.

Some constants

# Define LDAP search root, the Global catalog of the domain
# The Groupname to looking for

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