Category Archives: Security

Security: Check a webserver for heartbleed vulnerability with nmap


here is a short tutorial to check a webserver with nmap.

Update to the latest version of nmap. Otherwise nmap would not work (Error message:/usr/bin/../share/nmap/scripts/ssl-heartbleed.nse:40: This script requires the tls.lua library….). For example debian wheezy. Add the backport repository “deb wheezy-backports main” to /etc/apt/sources.list.

Refresh sources

root@debdev:/# apt-get update

Install the latest nmap version
Continue reading Security: Check a webserver for heartbleed vulnerability with nmap

Java Error: Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed


last week a customer had the problem that he wants to connect to the administration interface of a Brocade FC Switch but the Java Applet did not start. This error message was shown: “Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed”

Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed
Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed

Continue reading Java Error: Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed