Category Archives: Uncategorized

ESP32-IDF: Integrate Terminal in Visual Studio Code


if you have setup your ESP32 develop environment with Visual Studio Code you cannot integrate the mingw32 terminal within the Visual Studio Code terminal section.

But it’s possible if you start bash.exe instead of mingw32.exe.
Continue reading ESP32-IDF: Integrate Terminal in Visual Studio Code

Powershell: Execute a process and capture STDOUT and STDERR


if have to execute a process or script from powershell and you have to capture the output you can use the System.Diagnostics.Process class.

I’ve written a simple function for this case 🙂

Continue reading Powershell: Execute a process and capture STDOUT and STDERR

Windows: Locate the CA in your Active Directory Infrastructure


there are two ways to determine the Certitification Authority in your Active Directory environment.
Continue reading Windows: Locate the CA in your Active Directory Infrastructure

Windows: Enable cmd command extensions


to check if command extensions are enabled check the following registry key
Continue reading Windows: Enable cmd command extensions