Tag Archives: active directory

Active Directory: Export and import a group policies


powershell has some command lets to deal with with group policies. The command lets can be found in the GroupPolicy module.
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VMware vSphere: Join a vCenter VCSA Appliance to an Active directory domain by command line


the vCenter GUI offers the ability to add an identity provider like Microsoft AD. In some cases this won’t work. For example if you are not a domain admin and you have to specify in which organisation unit the computer object should created. The computerobject should not exists. Delete an already exiting object, it would be created during the join process!
Continue reading VMware vSphere: Join a vCenter VCSA Appliance to an Active directory domain by command line

Windows: Set Machine certificate as Remote Desktop Certificate


if a Windows computer is member of a domain and the certificate autoenrollment is in place then you can use the machine certificate provided by the active directory as the RDP TLS certificate.
Continue reading Windows: Set Machine certificate as Remote Desktop Certificate

Windows: Active directory from command line


this post contains command line example for querying the Active Directory using the ds* command family. The ds* commands are part of the Remote Administration Tools (RSAT)
Continue reading Windows: Active directory from command line

Samba: Join an additional Domain Controller to Samba Active Directory


These steps describes to join an additional Domain Controller to your previously builted Active Directory. Also first ensure you have a timeserver running in your network. If not I described to install and configure ntp for Linux in this post. ntpd can run on the same machine as samba.
Continue reading Samba: Join an additional Domain Controller to Samba Active Directory