Category Archives: Windows knowhow

Howto do some things in Windows

Windows: Remove a trigger from a service


since Windows 7 respectively Windows 2008R2 it has the ability to start a windows service with a trigger. Some Services, like dnscache, starts or stops on demand.

A customer had the problem that sometimes, after an automatic restart (on idle) of the DNS Client Service, Windows won’t register its name in DNS anymore. A manual register with
C:\> ipconfig /registerdns
was necessary each time.
Continue reading Windows: Remove a trigger from a service

Windows: Equivalent to linux time command


the time command in Windows gets or sets the system time. If you need an equivalent to the linux time command – which measure the execution time of a given command – you can use the powershell commandlet Measure-Command. Limitation is that only the time can measure how long the command execution runs, not splited into user, system and realtime.
Continue reading Windows: Equivalent to linux time command