ESXi: No space left on device, ramdisk (root) is full


a VMware ESXi becomes unresponsive when the root ramdisk is full.


  • Can’t move VMs away from an ESXi host (vMotion)
  • vSphere HA is not working
  • ESXi Host does not join the cluster
  • Could not start vpxa daemon

~ #  cat /var/log/vmkwarning.log

shows warnings like

Obj: 1940: Cannot create file /var/run/vmware/tickets/vmtck-526c7464-61d9-f8 for process hostd-worker because the inode table of its ramdisk (root) is full.

~ # cat /var/log/vpxa.log
[FFA691A0 warning 'Libs'] Cannot make directory /var/run/vmware/root_0/1438931685015351_5476781: No space left on device

There are muliple eventualities:

  • No space is left
  • inode table is full

I checked the (visorfs) freespace :

~ # vdf
Ramdisk              1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
root                     32768     17401     15367  53% --
etc                      28672       288     28384   1% --
tmp                     196608        12    196596   0% --
hostdstats              822272     16628    805644   2% --
snmptraps                 1024         0      1024   0% --

It seems all is ok. Also the inodes:

/var/log # stat -f /
  File: "/"
    ID: 100000000 Namelen: 127     Type: visorfs
Block size: 4096
Blocks: Total: 443834     Free: 266260     Available: 266260
Inodes: Total: 524288     Free: 519045

but a

~ # mkdir /var/test

fails with not enough space on disk
This is very strange behaviour. I looked for files in the root filesystem, starting in /var

~ # /var # find /var/|wc -l

A deeper look into the directory shows that there a lot of files in /var/log, all with the prefix log.svs.???????.

~ # ls -l /var/log/log.svs.*

can’t list all files 🙁 , too many arguments….

I decided to delete all of them which are older then 1 day

~ # find /var/log -mtime +1 |grep log.svs.[0-9]|xargs rm

after deleting the files I could start the vpxa daemon, and the host joined the cluster.

~ # /etc/init.d/vpxa start

root filesystem is now at 5% usage

~ # vdf
Ramdisk              1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
root                     32768      1844     30924   5% --
etc                      28672       288     28384   1% --
tmp                     196608       108    196500   0% --
hostdstats              822272     13044    809228   1% --

A usefull full link to VMwares support page.


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