MagicMirror: Installing on windows


short post about installing MagicMirror on Windows.

Continue reading MagicMirror: Installing on windows

vSphere: Find missing permissions/privileges in logs


assigning permissions in vSphere is sometimes difficult. Also to find out which permissions are missing for a specific action if you are not an administrator.
Continue reading vSphere: Find missing permissions/privileges in logs

Windows: certutil command line examples


Windows has a builtin tool for dealing with x509 certificates, certificate stores and much more.
Continue reading Windows: certutil command line examples

Git: Delete last x commits on github/gitlab


this post describes if something went wrong and you want to delete the last n commits on gitlab.
Continue reading Git: Delete last x commits on github/gitlab

Windows Remote Desktop Gateway: Resouce authorization policy store is corrupt


when you try to open the Remote Desktop Gateway Management Console and you get the following error:

The Remote Desktop resouce authorization policies (RD RAPs) cannot not be read. This problem might be due to a corrupted store for the RD RAP.

The Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-Gateway/Operational log contains errors with EventID 642:
The RD Gateway server cannot open the resource authorization policy store on Authorization Manager (Azman). The following error occurred: “11”.

Continue reading Windows Remote Desktop Gateway: Resouce authorization policy store is corrupt

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