Windows: Disable DES and Triple DES (3DES)


a measure to protect your Windows System against Sweet32 attacks is to disable the DES and Triple DES.

To do this, add 2 Registry Keys to the SCHANNEL Section of the registry.
Continue reading Windows: Disable DES and Triple DES (3DES)

Powershell: Searching in arrays


this is a really often requiered task in powershell. Here are some examples.
Continue reading Powershell: Searching in arrays

Windows: Explorer.exe Server execution failed


a customer had the problem that he couldn’t start the explorer. The explorer runs in an timeout and pops up an Errormessage: Server execution failed
Continue reading Windows: Explorer.exe Server execution failed

Openssl: Setup an intermediate CA


first ramp up your root CA as described in my previous post.
Steps to create a intermediate CA. Create the intermediate CA structure in filesystem
Continue reading Openssl: Setup an intermediate CA

Openssl: Create a root CA


steps to create a CA. Create the CA structure in filesystem
Continue reading Openssl: Create a root CA

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