Tag Archives: Active

Active Directory: Command line to get all subnets for a site


this post describes the command line to get a list of all subnets for an Active Directory Site. The ds* commands are part of the Active Directory tools on Server and of RSAT Tools on Windows 7-10.
Continue reading Active Directory: Command line to get all subnets for a site

VMware: List Users who have a active Console Connection to a virtual machine


there are multiple active console connections and you want to know who are currently connected?
Continue reading VMware: List Users who have a active Console Connection to a virtual machine

Windows: Script to get the NetBIOS Name of an Active Directory Domain


just a short post :-). A powershell script to get the NetBIOS Name of an Active Directory Domain

# Gets the NetBIOS Domain
# Author Michael Albert michlstechblog.info
# License: GPL v2

if($args.count -ne 1){
    Write-Warning " Start script with fqdn as parameter"
    Write-Warning (" for example: "+$myInvocation.myCommand.name+" yourdomain.com")
    exit 1
# Get AD Root
$oRootDSE = [ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE"
$sConfig = $oRootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext")
# AD Object AD Root
$oADSearchRoot=New-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=Partitions," + $sConfig)
# Search for Netbiosname of the specified domain
$oSearch=New-Object directoryservices.DirectorySearcher($oADSearchRoot,$sSearchString)
# Print out
Write-Host "Domain NetBIOS Name:" $sNetBIOSName

Have fun :-)!
