Tag Archives: Apache

Apache: Protect a folder by a password, but one file is for public access


let us assume you want to protect a whole directory by password and but one file must be readable for public access. This can easily be done by a .htaccess file.

For example: Who want to trotect the folder /var/www/html and only the file public.html should be readable without a password.
Continue reading Apache: Protect a folder by a password, but one file is for public access

Linux: Install LAMP stack on debian

Hi ,

this post describes the steps to install a lamp stack on debian linux. This is the base for many content management systems like Joomla, WordPress or Drupal.

LAMP means linux as operating system, apache as webserver,  mysql as database and PHP as script language. To install all packages login as root.
Continue reading Linux: Install LAMP stack on debian