Tag Archives: check

Debian: Disable certificate crl check for apt


there is an issue in the openssl libraries < version 3 that an crl check of an certificate fails if the file size of the crl file is greater then 100kB.

Continue reading Debian: Disable certificate crl check for apt

Windows: Check if computer is joined to Azure AD


if you want to check if a computer is joined ADFS and/or Azure AD use
Continue reading Windows: Check if computer is joined to Azure AD

vSphere: Check the ESXi TPM module state


if you want to check the state of the TPM chip use the esxcli command line interface:

Continue reading vSphere: Check the ESXi TPM module state

Windows 11 on vSphere: Bypass TPM 2.0 check


without a vTPM virtual hardware on vSphere you cannot install Windows 11 within an virtual machine. This is due to new hardware requirements. You have to setup a VMware vSphere Trust Authority.

Windows 11 Install Error
Windows 11 Install Error

Continue reading Windows 11 on vSphere: Bypass TPM 2.0 check

Security: Check a webserver for heartbleed vulnerability with nmap


here is a short tutorial to check a webserver with nmap.

Update to the latest version of nmap. Otherwise nmap would not work (Error message:/usr/bin/../share/nmap/scripts/ssl-heartbleed.nse:40: This script requires the tls.lua library….). For example debian wheezy. Add the backport repository “deb http://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/debian/ wheezy-backports main” to /etc/apt/sources.list.

Refresh sources

root@debdev:/# apt-get update

Install the latest nmap version
Continue reading Security: Check a webserver for heartbleed vulnerability with nmap